Six Bricks FREE Taster Workshop

Ever wondered how a handful of bricks can spark a revolution in teaching and empower young minds?

Look no further. Discover the transformative power of playful learning with lead Six Bricks Trainer, Miriam O Donoghue. 

This is a pre-recorded 30 minutes FREE taster workshop.

Here's why SIX BRICKS is a game-changer:

  • Quick and effective exercises to ignite those young, curious minds
  • Flexibility that fits right into your existing programs, making learning exciting and dynamic
  • Addressing holistic development - physical, cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic aspects, and more
  • Tailor-made activities to cater to the unique needs of every child or group, ensuring a personalized learning journey

Don't miss out on this chance to transform the way you teach and inspire young minds.

Reserve your spot now by filling the form below.


Six Bricks FREE Taster Workshop

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